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News and Events

Current news and events from EDEM

News and Events



Announcement of EDEM Social Media profiles

We’re excited to announce the development of new media accounts to support communication both within…

Announcement of grants: STSM and VNS

We are pleased to announce that several grant opportunities are open for application. These grants…

Available brochure and posters

EDEM brochure and posters are now available to download under the "Resources" page. The poster…
WG and TS in September, Kaunas
MCPast events

Minutes of the MC meeting in Malta, CA21137 EDEM

In mid-April there was held a WG-meeting in Malta, which also had the option of…

Second call for applications for an STSM-grant

The second call for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) is now open for applications.  An…

Distribution of countries by members in the EDEM network

We are actively seeking to expand our network to include as many European voices as…